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  • Room H (Room Hall 1, 1F)
  • P1. Poster Session I
  • August 20, 2015 (Thursday)
  • 14:00 ~ 15:30
  • [P1-76]
  • 14:00 ~ 15:30
  • Title:Investigation of Polymer Wall Structure Influence on Electro-Optical Properties of Flexible Cholesteric LCDs
  • Yan Jin, Zhe Hong, and Soon-Bum Kwon (Hoseo Univ., Korea)

  • Abstract: Polymer wall introduced cholesteric liquid crystal (LC) cell with single LC mixture, single layer and photo-sensitive chiral dopant (PSCD) has been developed for mechanically stable color flexible LCDs. With the introduction of the polymer walls in PSCD doped cholesteric LC cell, the reflective planar texture was better stabilized resulting in the better color performance. Furthermore, the focal conic range was broadened due to the polymer walls and networks formed during the UV exposure steps. Also, the transmittance of cholesteric LC cell at focal conic state increased, which was suitable for transparent mode. Thanks to the memory mode of transmissive and reflective states, this flexible cholesteric LCD is suitable for the application to the transparent and reflective flexible displays, which has been of great interest recently.

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